Cash App Scams & How to Avoid Them
Originally launched as Square Cash in 2013, Cash App has taken the United States and United Kingdom by storm, with over 70 million people now actively using the app. Cash App allows its users to transfer money to each other over the app. It’s more than a convenient way to split the bill at a restaurant, though.
Cash App has also included noncustodial Bitcoin trading since 2018 and the ability to trade stocks since 2020 (for US residents only). This has led to the rise of Cash App scams that go beyond just the banking side of the app. Cash Apps scams are particularly cruel given the kinds of people who are drawn to the app.
Cash App gives people with low credit scores access to banking services and investment mechanisms that they otherwise wouldn’t have. These are often the people who can least afford to be defrauded out of their available funds or to be taken in by investment scams.
Read on to learn how 20+ common Cash App scams work and what you can do when you come across them. If this advice comes too late and you’ve already fallen for a Cash App scam, then we have some advice and resources to help you limit the damage and start the recovery process.
Cash App scams—what’s at stake
You might think the worst that can happen with one of these Cash App scams is that you end up sending a small amount of money to a scammer. The reality is that you could lose all the funds you’ve got on the app. Some scammers will have you topping up your Cash App account so you can send them more.
But that’s not the worst that can happen. Many of these scammers aren’t after your money, first and foremost. Their sights are set on something far more valuable: your personal data, including your account details, login credentials, and financial information. They might use this data themselves or sell it to other scammers.
With enough of your financial and personal information in the wrong hands, identity theft becomes a real threat. At the very least, you’re likely to be targeted with scams more often. As devastating as sending money to a scammer can be, it’s really the least of your worries.
How to spot Cash App scams
Check out our rundowns of the most common Cash App scams below for all the details, but if you want to stay safe on Cash App without learning about 20+ individual Cash App scams, look out for these red flags (and read the section on using Cash App safely):
A sense of urgency
Any time you feel pressured to act quickly, it’s a huge red flag. There are a number of ways scammers can put you under time pressure, some of them more subtle than others: an explicit time limit, limited availability, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and receiving money meant for someone else are the more common ones.
Free money
Anyone who promises you free or easy money is immediately suspect. Cash “flipping”, to put it bluntly, is not a thing. Even if it was, wouldn’t the scammer just sit there flipping their own cash into billions? The only easy money here is that which the scammer acquires by getting people to send money right into their Cash App account.
Investment opportunities
This is exactly the same red flag as the one above, but some people stop seeing the “easy money” red flag once the word “investment” is used. It doesn’t matter how complicated a scheme is or how many steps there are between “pay $200” and “receive $800”—these kinds of returns are always red flags.
Offers that are too good to be true
It’s not just the direct promise of free money that you should be suspicious of, it’s any offer that’s just too good to be true. Whether it’s a potential buyer who’s keen to pay or overpay for an item you’re selling or a seller offering something at a drastically discounted price, if they insist on payment via Cash App, it’s a red flag.
Convenient accidents and coincidences
If somebody sends you money by accident, then the odds are overwhelming that it wasn’t an accident at all. Cash App is meant to be used to send money to Cash App users you know. It’s unlikely that someone who doesn’t know your $cashtag, email, or phone number sent you money by accident.
Crypto schemes you don’t quite understand
Crypto, for many people, is synonymous with scams, and it’s no different on Cash App. The uptick in crypto scams since Cash App introduced support for Bitcoin transactions is undeniable. All of the above red flags apply to crypto-flavored schemes, don’t let the crypto jargon fool you.
Requests for personal information
People asking you for personal or account information of any kind are raising red flags left, right, and center. Information like your Cash App PIN, two-factor authentication codes, login credentials, and Social Security number are not meant to be shared. Anyone asking for it is likely a scammer.
20+ Cash App scams and how to avoid them
“Accidental” payments from strangers
This is an extremely effective scam. You get a payment you weren’t expecting followed by a payment request and/or message stating that the sender made this transfer into your account by accident and asking you to send the same amount back to them. The two most common ways this scam works are:
- The money originally came from a stolen credit card. You send the scammer “clean” money and sooner or later the credit card company reclaims the stolen money that’s now on your account. So the scammer uses you to launder their ill-gotten money and you end up out of pocket, sometimes for a considerable sum.
- The scammer uses their money but disputes the payment with their bank or credit card company as soon as you’ve reimbursed them out of your account funds. They get their money back both from you and their bank while you end up out of pocket.
What to do if you receive a Cash App transfer from someone you don’t know “by accident”:
- Decline any payment requests you received from this sender or any other Cash App users you don’t know.
- Do not create a new payment to return the money, refund the payment instead.
- Block the sender and/or requester.
“Cash flipping”
The premise of this scam is particularly absurd, but the promise of free money is so strong that many people fall for it all the same. The scammer promises to “flip” some money you send them. So, you transfer them, say, $80 and after some sort of mysterious “flipping” process, they send you $800 back.
This is 100% a scam, there’s no such thing as “cash flipping” and if there was, the scammer could start with a dollar of their own and be a billionaire in no time at all (do the math). Some scammers will draw you in with small sums of money, actually multiplying your “investments” until you’re confident enough to send them a larger amount. At that point, they take the money and run.

What to do when someone approaches you with this scam:
- Report them in the Cash App app if they’ve already given you their Cash App name, phone number, email address, or $cashtag. Scroll down for detailed instructions on how to do this.
- Decline any payment requests you received from them.
- Block them if they sent you a payment request.
- If they approached you on social media or a chat app, report them there.
- Use a personal data removal service like Incogni if they sent you an SMS or email—this is an indicator that your data is available to scammers.
Pyramid schemes
Pyramid schemes, similar to Ponzi schemes, have been around since long before the internet. They rely on a steady stream of new victims to generate profits for those at the top of the pyramid or near the center of the “blessing loom.” There are many such scams on Cash App and they go by many different names.
The “Cash Circle,” “Money Circle,” “Blessing Loom,” “Money Board,” “Mandala Game,” “Blessing Circle,” “Giving Circle,” “Infinity Loom,” and “Fractal Mandala” are all different names for the same scam. These scammers most often promise to turn $100 into $800, but they might vary the amounts to avoid detection.
Some pyramid schemes work for those lucky or ruthless enough to end up at the top of the pyramid (at the expense of all the other participants), but most pyramid schemes on Cash App defraud everyone who takes part. In either case, pyramid schemes are illegal in the US, UK, and many other parts of the world.

These scams are very similar to the cash “flipping” scam above, and you should treat them accordingly:
- Report the scammers in the Cash App app if they’ve already given you their Cash App name, phone number, email address, or $cashtag. Scroll down for detailed instructions on how to do this.
- Decline any payment requests you receive from them.
- Block them if they sent you a payment request.
- If they approached you on social media or a chat app, report them there.
- Use a personal data removal service like Incogni if they sent you an SMS or email—this is an indicator that your information is available to scammers.
Unsolicited Cash App debit cards
This is one of those Cash App scams that seems harmless at first glance but then turns out to be particularly scary when you dig deeper. The scam begins with you receiving a Cash App debit card in the mail. The card arrives at your home address and is in your name, but not at your request.
The first layer of scary is revealed when you activate and start using this card. As soon as you put a significant amount of money on the card, it disappears. This is because the scammer set up a Cash App account in your name and requested the card on your behalf. They have access to this account and any funds you add to it.
The really concerning thing is that this scammer has enough of your most sensitive information to set up an account in your name. This can include things like your Social Security number. Scammers can get their hands on information like this in dark web marketplaces (read this post to find out what to do if your phone number is on the dark web), but also from data brokers operating on the clear web.

Ignoring the debit card you received in the mail addresses only the tip of the iceberg, here’s what to do instead:
- Install the Cash App app if you’re not already a customer (do not scan the QR code that came with the scam debit card) and use it to contact customer support.
- Visit the Federal Trade Commission’s identity theft portal to learn what next steps you can and should take. Don’t panic, this doesn’t mean that your identity has been stolen.
- Consider using a personal data removal service like Incogni to stop data brokers sharing and selling your sensitive information online.
- Secure each of your online accounts with a strong and unique password (i.e. a different one for each account)—a password manager like Bitwarden will help you with this.
Clearance fee scams
A clearance fee scam involves you having to pay a transfer or clearance fee for someone to unlock a much larger transfer. The scammer then promises to give you a cut of this larger transaction. This scam goes all the way back to the classing Nigerian 419 scams that involve alleged princes and government officials trying to recover their fortunes.
The backstory and amounts of money will vary, but the core of the scam is the same. Never send anyone a Cash App payment on the promise of receiving more money down the line. No matter how complicated or compelling their story is, it’s definitely a scam and you won’t see your money again.

What to do when someone approaches you with a clearance free scam:
- Don’t respond to the scammers in any way—you’ll just end up with more scams in your inbox or DMs.
- Report the scammers in the Cash App app if they’ve already given you their Cash App name, phone number, email address, or $cashtag. Scroll down for detailed instructions on how to do this.
- Decline any payment requests you receive from them.
- Block them if they sent you a payment request.
- If they approached you on social media or a chat app, report them there.
- Use a personal data removal service like Incogni if they sent you an SMS or email—this is an indicator that your information is available to scammers.
Fake #CashAppFridays messages
This scam can be very effective if only because it plays on real giveaways run by Cash App. The “Super Cash App Friday,” “Cash App Fridays,” and “Fortune4Days” promotions are or have at different times been real promotions.
Cash App, especially through its official Twitter account (, will often allow Cash App customers to win cash prizes by commenting on a particular post and including their $cashtag. The problem is that scammers can see who has entered these giveaways.
All they need to do is set up fake Cash App accounts on either Twitter or Instagram and contact those who entered telling them they’ve won. The fact the blue Twitter checkmark has been recently made worthless makes confirming that you’re dealing with a real, verified Cash App account more of a hassle.
At this point the scammers move to a phishing attack or clearance fee scam, asking you for login credentials or other personal information or requesting that you send a “test transaction” of some kind. They may even go for gold and ask you to download software that gives them remote access to your device.

Here’s what you should do and keep in mind if you receive a direct message like this:
- Do not respond to the message, that already gives scammers a lot of useful information.
- Check that it’s from a verified Cash App account, remember that anyone can buy a blue checkmark on Twitter.
- Know that Cash App would never ask you to make a purchase, send them money, or provide any login information of any kind—they already have your $cashtag and that’s all they need.
- Report the user who contacted you on whatever social media platform they used to do so.
Cash App phishing and smishing attacks
As you can already see, your information can be far more valuable to cybercriminals than your Cash App balance. Phishing scams are one way they can get that information. Phishing often involves impersonating members of the Cash App team using fake accounts. The goal is to get you to give up sensitive information.
A traditional phishing attack happens over email, a smishing attack is the same thing but over SMS or through a direct message. These scams might come in the form of fake security alerts, cranking up the sense of urgency to get you to click on the links included in the message.
Clicking on a fake Cash App link redirects unsuspecting users to any number of fake websites. Once there, you’ll be prompted to enter your login details, 2FA codes, your PIN, or some other personal information. Some of these links can even lead to downloading malicious code onto your device.

Here’s how to deal phishing attempts involving Cash App:
- Don’t click on any attachments or links in the phishing message.
- Don’t respond to the sender in any way, real Cash App emails are “no reply” anyway.
- Mark the email or direct message as a phishing attempt (if you have such an option, otherwise mark it as spam).
- If you’re worried that a fake security alert might be real after all, check on your Cash App app: if there’s nothing there, then you know the message was fake.
Cash App vishing attacks
Vishing is simply phishing over a voice call. The end goal is the same: to gain access to your personal information by having you give it up or by gaining control over your device. Vishing attacks can be much more difficult to spot and respond to in time, though.
There’s already a lot of time-pressure built into the interaction from the start, since you’ve got a busy “Cash App representative” right there on the line. Add to that any story they tell you about suspicious activity on your account and the sense of urgency can cloud almost anyone’s judgment.
Here’s how to deal with vishing attacks involving Cash App:
- Know that someone who’s really representing Cash App would never ask you for your PIN or sign-in code. They also would never need you to perform any kind of purchase or transfer.
- A real Cash App representative might need to confirm your identity, but remember: they already have all your details in front of them, so they might ask for the last 3–4 digits of your bank account or card number, but never the whole thing.
- The best thing to do is to simply hang up and check your Cash App app for any notifications and suspicious activity.
- If something does look off, contact the Cash App team via the app—this is Cash App’s preferred method and is the safest.
Fake Bitcoin investments
Scammers flock to the world of crypto like moths to a flame. The fact that Cash App allows users to buy and sell Bitcoin means that more than one common Cash App scam involves the cryptocurrency. The golden rule here is that if it seems too good to be true, then it almost certainly is.
There’s nothing magical about Bitcoin that can suddenly make the various get-rich-quick or quadruple-your-money scams described here suddenly plausible. Clearance fee scams and variations on “cash flipping” and “money circle” scams can all be found with an added Bitcoin twist.

Here are some things to look out for when dealing with Bitcoin scams in particular:
- Anyone with access to your Cash App account or Bitcoin wallet has access to, and full control over, your Bitcoin: never give out login credentials to anyone.
- Bitcoin, although very easily traced, doesn’t include any mechanisms for getting your BTC back or stopping a transaction. Generally, once a scammer has your BTC, there’s no way to recover it.
- If you keep your Bitcoin in a noncustodial wallet, protect your private keys and seed phrase above all else. Anyone with knowledge of either already owns all of your BTC.
Friend in need scams
So-called friend in need scams are all too common across all communication channels. Unfortunately, they work quite well on money transfer apps like Cash App, too. The scammer imitates a friend or relative of yours and asks you to urgently transfer money via Cash App.
They might claim to have car trouble, sudden medical expenses, legal problems or any number of other sudden and unexpected expenses. We all want to help those we love and the sense of urgency these payment requests create can leave our knee-jerk reaction as the last one before tapping send.

What to do when you receive a payment request or message from a “friend in need:”
- Check the requester’s profile: do the $cashtag, email, phone number, and name look right?
- Call the alleged requester, using the contact details you already had before receiving the payment request.
- Decline the payment request if the Cash App requester’s profile looks off in any way or if the real person doesn’t know anything about the payment request or isn’t available.
- Once you’ve confirmed that the payment request was fraudulent, block the sender.
Scams targeting sellers
Selling something online (or off, for that matter), necessarily means having to put yourself out there. This is a point at which scammers can make their move. One of the approaches they take is to pretend to be interested in whatever you’re selling. They then insist that you accept payment via Cash App.
This is a huge red flag: Cash App payments don’t include the kinds of buyer protections that things like credit card payments do. If you agree to accept money via Cash App, the scammer can do a number of things, including simply claiming that they’ve already paid and demanding the goods or a refund.
Here’s how to avoid common Cash App scams when selling something online:
- Don’t offer or agree to accept a Cash App payment—that’s not what the app is designed for.
- If someone claims to have already sent you money on the app, open it and check your Cash App transactions—ignore fake Cash App verification emails and screenshots.
- Use a platform and payment method that offers sellers at least some measure of protection, or cash in person.
Scams targeting buyers
Buyers aren’t safe, either. Scammers put classified ads up on whatever platforms will have them and wait for potential buyers to show interest. Once a buyer is on the hook, the scammer pressures them to use Cash App to make their payment.
Once payment is made using the app, the seller will most likely disappear, ghost the buyer, or claim they never received the funds. With no buyer protection to fall back on, the buyer is left out of pocket with no clear path forward to recovering their losses.

How to stay safe from Cash App scams when buying something online:
- Don’t accept payment via Cash App—it’s not designed for online purchases.
- If someone refuses to accept a payment method that offers buyer protection or cash in person, then chances are good that they’re trying to scam you.
Fake Cash App balances and confirmations
More a tactic than a standalone scam, fake Cash App verification emails and transaction screenshots are effective ways for scammers to convince their victims that a payment has or hasn’t been made.
For example, you’re selling something online and a scammer claims to have sent you payment on Cash App. They’re happy to forward you the confirmation email they got or a screenshot of their app, showing the successful transaction into your account.
Or you’re trying to buy something and the seller keeps denying that your Cash App payment has gone through. They have screenshots of their transaction history covering the time frame during which you know made the payment.

What to do if someone sends or shows you suspect Cash App transactions:
- Open your app and check there: whatever it says in your transaction history is what you should go with.
- If someone disputes your transaction history, don’t send them screenshots of your phone’s screen—they could contain sensitive information that you don’t want to share.
Scams targeting renters
Some scammers will put properties up for rent and insist on payment via Cash App. They then pretend not to have received the payment (like in the scams targeting buyers, above), or worse. It often turns out that the scammers were never the owners of the property in question to begin with.

How to avoid falling for a Cash App scam when looking to rent housing:
- Don’t agree to make any payments (deposit, rent, bond, etc.) via Cash App.
- If you need to transfer money, do so via a platform that offers renter’s protection.
Deposit scams targeting shoppers
Yet another variation on the theme of Cash App scammers targeting buyers, deposit scams involve the scammers receiving deposits or down payments for goods and animals that are claimed to be on the way. These goods and animals (often puppies) most often don’t exist, and the seller disappears with the deposit or refuses to give it back.
How to avoid falling victim to a deposit or down payment scam:
- Don’t agree to make any such payments via Cash App.
- Before you transfer money by any means, make sure the alleged seller is contractually obliged to then sell you the object of the sale or return your deposit.
Fake COVID-19 programs
As the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic fades into the past for most of the world, scammers are still finding ways to capitalize on it. They most often create fake COVID-19 relief and stimulus programs, duping victims into making Cash App payments in order to receive the promised support.
The Federal Trade Commission has logged over 800,000 COVID-19 and stimulus fraud reports totaling almost $1,000,000,000 in losses. Over 200,000 of these reports mention identity theft—scammers will often ask for sensitive information, including medical information, while committing these frauds.

How to avoid falling for a fake COVID-19 program:
- Know that no government relief package or official program will require you to make a payment using Cash App—anyone who claims this is trying to scam you.
- Do not engage with anyone who contacts you claiming to represent one of these programs.
- Do not reveal any personal or financial information, not to mention medical information, to such people—medical identity theft is a real danger here.
Survey scams with Cash App prizes
A classic online scam that’s been around since at least the ‘90s, scammers claim to give you the chance to win money just by completing a survey. One modern twist is the promise of Cash App transfers as payment for completing the surveys or as prizes for winning draws entered by completing them.
Like other fake Cash App giveaway scams, the prizes and rewards here are firmly in the “too good to be true” pile. The point of these scams is to gather as much of your personal and financial information as possible. Dangling the promise of a Cash App payment encourages you to give up financial information especially.

How to protect yourself from fake Cash App survey scams:
- Be suspicious of giveaways, sweepstakes, and surveys being peddled via random text messages and on social media platforms. If you’re told a survey comes from Cash App itself, then go straight to Cash App’s website and look for information there.
- Never give out personal or financial information. Even if you’re convinced someone is going to send you money (they’re not), then all they need is your $cashtag.
Gift card scams
Scammers with stolen credit card details flock to payment apps like Cash App. The problem with stolen credit cards is that any payments the thief tries to make are likely to be disputed by the owner and/or credit card company. Cash App’s easy transfers give them a way to get around this.
Gift card scams involve the scammer offering you a Cash App payment in exchange for gift cards. This can seem like a good deal since the scammer is offering much more than the nominal value of the gift cards they’re asking for.

How to avoid falling for gift card scams:
- Never use gift cards for anything other than what they’re intended for: as gifts for people you know.
- Be extremely suspicious of anyone offering you free money.
- Report the scammer to whatever platform they approached you on or block their number if they texted you.
Having your Cash App account hacked
Falling for a phishing scam or having poor security practices (like not using two-factor authentication) can result in your Cash App account and possibly even your linked bank account being hacked.
Although not a scam in and of itself, getting hacked often follows hot on the heels of a phishing scam and your account, once hacked, can be used to perpetrate further scams against you.

How to protect your account against hackers:
- Use a strong and unique password to secure your account. A password manager like Bitwarden is invaluable in making sure you don’t reuse passwords between accounts.
- Enable two-factor authentication for your Cash App account.
- Never share details like your PIN or sign-in code with anyone—Cash App staff will never ask for this information.
- If you see any suspicious activity on your account, change your PIN and password and contact customer support via the app.
How to safely use Cash App
The best way to protect yourself from all the Cash App scammers out there is to stick to using Cash App the way it was intended. Here’s how you can do that, and some other tips on how to stay safe on Cash App:
Only use Cash App to send money to people you know
This is the use case Cash App recommends: transferring money between people who know and trust each other. Beyond that, its feature set has expanded to include Bitcoin and stock trading. Both of these require due diligence on users’ parts and should be avoided by those who don’t know exactly what they’re doing.
Cash App should not be used as a payment method for buying or selling goods or services. It lacks the buyer protection features of credit cards, PayPal, or payments made through platforms like Amazon.
Never give up personal information
You’ve seen how eager Cash App scammers are to get your personal information. They often imitate Cash App employees and use phishing sites that look like Cash App support forms. Real Cash App employees may need to confirm your identity by asking for your name, phone number, email, or the last 3–4 digits of your bank account or card.
Cash App employees collect these account details using encrypted forms through Sprinklr and SendSafely. They will never ask you for your sign-in code, Cash App PIN, full bank account information, or other sensitive information. Never give up information like this to anyone.
Also, never grant anyone remote access to your devices, download any additional applications, or send any “test” payments—Cash App employees will never ask you to do any of these things.
Never exchange gift cards for Cash App transfers
Another thing that Cash App scammers will often ask for is gift cards. Scammers of all stripes often use gift cards in lieu of cash because they’re less traceable than bank, Western Union, or Bitcoin transfers. A Cash App support worker will never ask you to purchase or send gift cards.
Don’t trust payment confirmations from outside the Cash App app
Many of the Cash App scams above involve fake Cash App receipts or payment confirmations. Don’t trust any transaction confirmations that don’t show up on your Cash App account.
The “accidental” payment scam will show up on your Cash App app, but that money can later disappear from your account all the same—see our advice above on how to deal with this particular scam.
How to report a Cash App user and contact Cash App support
If you’re approached by a suspected scammer and know their name, $cashtag, phone number, or email, then you can report them from within the app. You can also contact Cash App support if you have any issues and are unsure how to proceed or if someone has contacted you claiming to be from Cash App support.
Report a scammer’s account
To report a scammer’s account on Cash App:
- Open the Cash App app and tap on their customer avatar to view their profile or search for their profile by entering their name, $cashtag, phone number, or email.
- Scroll to the bottom of their profile and tap on “report.”
- Choose the appropriate option and follow the on-screen instructions.
Alternatively, follow the instructions below to contact the Cash Support team.
Contact Cash App customer support
Using the app:
- Tap on the profile icon on the Cash App home screen.
- Select “support.”
- Tap on Start a Chat and send a message
- Navigate to and choose the appropriate options from there.
Over the phone:
- If you’re over 18 years old and have gone through the in-app verification process, you’re eligible to receive phone support. Simply call the Cash Support team at 1 (800) 969-1940.
Social media:
Double check you’re entering the correct username or handle when contacting Cash App customer support via their social media accounts—scammers often set up lookalike accounts.
- Instagram: @CashApp
- Twitter: @CashApp @CashSupport
- TikTok: @CashApp
- Twitch:
- Reddit: u/CashAppAndi
- Facebook: SquareCash
Via mail:
Cash App
1455 Market Street Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103
I got scammed on Cash App. What now?
Falling for a Cash App scam isn’t the end of the world, but it’s also not something you can just sweep under the rug and hope for the best.
Here is what to do if you got scammed on Cash App:
- Lock down your accounts
- Report a scam payment through the Cash App app
- Gather evidence like times, dates, and channels on which the scammer contacted you
- Report the scam to the social media platforms or chat apps they used to contact you
- File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
- Report fraud to the Federal Trade Commission.
- File a police report with your local police department
- Contact your bank
- Begin the identity recovery process
Let’s look at each one individually.
Lock down your accounts
Change your Cash App PIN and any other login credentials that may have been compromised. This includes anything you gave to the scammer and anything you typed in while on a suspected phishing site or anything you entered after clicking on any attachments or links from the scammer.
Report a scam payment through the Cash App app
You can report a potentially fraudulent transaction through the Cash App app:
- Tap on the profile icon in the top right corner.
- Tap on “support.”
- Select “report a payment issue.”
- Select the payment and follow the on-screen instructions.
Gather evidence
Note down the times, dates, and channels on which the scammer contacted you as well as any other important events. Note down the URLs of any phishing sites you visited and any Bitcoin addresses or bank accounts you transferred funds to. Take screenshots of everything related to the scam.
Report the scam
Reporting a scam won’t recover your funds or bring charges against the scammer, but it can certainly bring the scam to the attention of the authorities and potential victims. The paper trail you generate by filing these reports can help you down the line should you choose to pursue legal action or attempt to have funds restored.
Report the scammers on any social media platforms or chat apps they used to contact you. Look up and follow the instructions for each platform. Scams like the ones described above violate the terms and conditions of pretty much every app and service out there.
File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Use the BBB’s complaint form if the scam you encountered involved a registered company or someone impersonating a registered company.
Report fraud to the Federal Trade Commission. Use the FTC’s dedicated website to report what happened. The FTC can’t follow up on your individual case, but it does use such reports to bring cases against those responsible.
File a police report with your local police department. Do this especially if large sums of money are involved. Seek legal counsel if you’re unsure of what you can or should do.
Contact your bank
Contact your bank, credit union, or credit card company and explain what happened if you sent a scammer any funds or gave them your credit or debit account details or banking login credentials. They’ll advise you on what to do next and can issue new cards or freeze your account. You may also be able to recover lost funds.
Your chances of recovering Bitcoin are basically zero, unfortunately. Change your wallet passwords if they’ve been compromised. Immediately transfer your tokens to a fresh wallet if your seed phrase or private keys were compromised. If you don’t know what a seed phrase or private keys are, contact the custodian of your wallet.
Begin the identity recovery process
Once again, your personal data is often worth more to scammers than your money, or at least the money you already have on your Cash App account. Depending on the kind of personal information you gave to the scammers, you may be at risk of having your identity stolen.
The Federal Trade Commission’s identity theft portal is one of the best places to start the damage control and the identity recovery processes.
Whatever you end up deciding, remain vigilant and be mindful about what personal information you share online.
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- Geek Squad Scams
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- Cash App Scams
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- Got a call from your own number? Scam alert
- How to Make Your Phone Number Unsearchable
- Venmo Scams
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- PayPal Scams