SearchPeopleFREE Opt Out & Remove Your Info

Data brokers like SearchPeopleFREE hold a ton of personal information on millions of individuals. If you’re one of them, this guide will help you change that. 

Removing your personal information from SearchPeopleFREE is moderately easy, so you should get through it within a few minutes! There are several steps to the SearchPeopleFREE opt-out process that we’ve outlined below. You’ll have to verify your email, find your data on the website, and submit a removal request. 

Once you opt out from this people search site, however, we recommend you do the same with others like it. There are hundreds of data brokers in the United States alone. With a little research, you can find out which ones hold your personal information and get them to remove it. 

If you’re a little too busy to dedicate your time to this effort, you can also try our fully automated data removal service. We’ll remove your personal information from SearchPeopleFREE and dozens of other data brokers at a time while you sit back and relax.

Opt-out process: 10 – 15 minutes

Removal Requirements: Email

Updated: July 1, 2022

How to opt out of SearchPeopleFREE and remove your info

In short:

  • Access the SearchPeopleFREE opt-out page at
  • Enter your email address, accept the terms, solve the CAPTCHA, and click “begin removal process.”
  • Open your mailbox.
  • Validate your email by clicking on the confirmation link.
  • Start a search. Then, enter your full name, city, and state and click “start the search.”
  • Open your record and click “continue removal…”
  • Submit your removal request by clicking “remove this record.”

Keep reading for the full opt-out procedure with screenshots.

We’ve created around 85 data broker opt-out guides to make manual data removal easy. Click here if you’d like us to automate the process for you.

Remove your data from SearchPeopleFREE the easy way

Stop wasting time opting out one by one. Remove your information from over 180+ data brokers with just a few clicks.

Use code DataRemovalOct at checkout to get an extra 10% off!

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

featured image for opt out guide: searchpeoplefree

Step-by-step SearchPeopleFREE opt-out guide

Total Time: 10 minutes

  1. Access SearchPeopleFREE opt out page at

    Opt out of search people free step 1

    Go to the SearchPeopleFREE opt-out page. 

  2. Enter your email address, accept the terms, solve the CAPTCHA and click “Begin removal process”.

    Opt out of search people free step 2

    Enter a valid email address (we recommend using a dummy email) and tick the box to agree to the terms. Then complete the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA challenge and click “begin removal process.”

  3. Open your mailbox

    Opt out of search people free step 3

    You will receive a verification email with a link.

  4. Validate your email by clicking on the confirmation link

    Opt out of search people free step 4

    Click “validate my email” to continue the process. 

  5. Start a search. Then, enter your full name, city, and state and click “start the search”

    Opt out of search people free step 5

    Enter your full name, city, and state, then click “search” to find your record. 

  6. Open your record and click “Continue Removal…”

    Opt out of search people free step 7

    Once you have found the right listing (there might be more than one), click “continue removal” to view the record. 

  7. Submit your removal request by clicking “remove this record”

    Opt out of search people free step 8

    Click “remove this record” to submit your data removal request.


  • Email

8. Opt out from other data brokers that have your personal info

Congratulations on opting out from SearchPeopleFREE! However, if your goal is data privacy and security, you’re not quite done yet. 

There are likely hundreds of other websites that publish or sell your personal information. You can find several of these through the links on the SearchPeopleFREE website. We also recommend you do some additional research to clean up as much of your digital footprint as possible. Just search your name or data broker sites active in your area. 

Here are a few opt out guides to get started:

If this seems too time-consuming, you can also use our fully automated data removal service and let us do all the legwork

Take your data off SearchPeopleFREE and hundreds* of data brokers with Incogni

Your data is worth more than oil in the digital age and data brokers are making bank at your expense.

Subscribe to Incogni for just $6.49 per month and get: 

  • A fully automated data removal service
  • Recurring removal from 180+ data brokers (including SearchPeopleFREE)
  • Regular progress reports

Use DataRemovalOct at checkout to get an additional 10% discount.

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

SearchPeopleFREE opt-out video guide

Alternative SearchPeopleFREE opt-out method

If you don’t want to go through the SearchPeopleFREE opt-out process, you can also contact their support team via their online contact form.


What is SearchPeopleFREE? is a site that collects and publishes personal information online in English and Spanish. With the data they collect, creates personal records on millions of US residents. Users can also access more detailed profiles through links to other sites.

The records available on SearchPeopleFREE include:
– Full names and aliases
– Age
– Current and past addresses
– Current and past phone numbers
– Business associates
– Information about family members
– Information about acquaintances

The links on SearchPeopleFREE reroute to paid websites that offer information such as:
– Criminal records
– Court records
– Fines and speeding tickets
– Evictions and foreclosures
– Assets and property records
– Business records
– Professional licenses 
– Marriage and divorce records
– Birth and death records

While SearchPeopleFREE does not provide very detailed data, the website links to plenty of paid alternatives for users who want more in-depth information. We recommend you remove your personal information from all of these websites and any others that have your data. 
Having your personal details for strangers to access can expose you to dangers such as identity theft, scams, blackmail, or stalking.

How long does it take SearchPeopleFREE to delete my data?

SearchPeopleFREE should delete your personal data within 72 hours of submitting a removal request. Make sure to clear your cache and check back after this time frame to ensure the removal was successful. If your record still appears on their website, contact SearchPeopleFREE support.

How long will it take to complete the SearchPeopleFREE data removal process?

The SearchPeopleFREE data removal process should only take around 10 – 15 minutes of your time.

Can SearchPeopleFREE add my record again after I opt out?

Yes, it’s possible for SearchPeopleFREE to add your personal record back to their website after some time. This depends on how often they update their database and whether they use a suppression list. 

Even when data brokers use suppression lists to save the preferences of users who have chosen to opt out, companies can still get the individual’s data. This is especially likely if you make significant changes like changing your name, getting a new phone number, or moving to a new address. 

You can avoid this issue by using an automated data removal service like Incogni. We regularly sweep the companies on our list for any customer data. 

How does SearchPeopleFREE collect data?

Like other data brokers, SearchPeopleFREE scrapes the internet for personal information. They use social websites, public records, and other data brokers to source their information.  

Does SearchPeopleFREE have the right to use my data?

Yes, data brokers like SearchPeopleFREE have the right to collect and use personal information. However, they must abide by data privacy regulations such as the GDPR and the CCPA. This means that you have the right to make them delete your personal data at any time. 

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