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Arrests.org Opt-Out & Remove Your Info

If your mugshots and arrest records are on Arrests.org, you probably know firsthand how nefarious and damaging mugshot publishing websites can be. And while you can request to opt out of Arrests.org, the process isn’t easy.

You can either submit a mugshot removal form on their website or send an email with a removal request. Unfortunately, they don’t always grant these requests; when they do, they don’t necessarily remove all the data they have. Either way, you will have to submit various types of supporting documentation and wait between 5 to 30 days for the outcome.

There are around 4,000 data brokers that sell personal information, each with its own opt-out process. If you want to get your data off of hundreds of other data broker websites, we offer a fully automated data removal service. If you prefer to opt out manually, make sure to check out our other data broker opt-out guides.

But first things first, follow these step-by-step instructions to remove your mugshots from Arrests.org.

Opt-out process: 5 – 15 minutes

Removal Requirements: Proof of identity, Supporting documentation based on data removal reason (Proof of disposition, Copy of Order, Verification)

Updated: June 07, 2023

Step-by-step Arrests.org opt-out guide

In short:

  1. Find your listing on Arrests.org.
  2. Select your listing and click on your name or picture.
  3. Copy your record ID from the browser address bar.
  4. Go to your removal page at https://arrests.org/remove/?id= followed by your Record ID.
    (For example: https://arrests.org/remove/?id=12345678.)
  5. Choose a reason for removal.
  6. Attach any required documents.
  7. Submit the mugshot removal request .

Read the detailed opt-out procedure with screenshots below.

We’ve written around 85 data broker opt-out guides to make manual data removal easy. Check them out!

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Stop wasting time opting out one by one. Remove your information from over 210+ data brokers with just a few clicks.

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* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

featured image for opt out guide: arrests.org

Step-by-step Arrests.org opt-out guide

Total Time: 5 minutes

  1. Find your listing on Arrests.org

    Opt out of arrests.org step 1

    Go to Arrests.org. Enter your first and last name, select your state, and click “search.”

  2. Select your listing and click on your name or picture

    Opt out of arrests.org step 2

    Find your listing and click on your name or picture to bring up the profile.

  3. Copy your record ID from the browser address bar (the number only)

    Arrests.org has recently removed the “record removal” button. But you can still remove your info thanks to this workaround.

    Highlight the number at the end of the URL, right-click on it, and select “copy.”

  4. Go to your removal page at https://arrests.org/remove/?id= followed by your Record ID.

    (For example: https://arrests.org/remove/?id=12345678)

    Opt out of arrests.org step 4

    In a new tab, paste the number you just copied into the address bar. To do this, right-click on the address bar and choose “paste.”

    Now copy the following URL by highlighting it, right-clicking on it, and selecting “copy”: https://arrests.org/remove/?id=

    Go to the tab with your record ID number on it. Left-click before the first digit, right-click in the same place, and select “paste.”

    You should end up with something like this https://arrests.org/remove/?id=12345678 (with your record ID in place of “12345678”). Hit enter once you’re ready.

    Choose from the given options why you want your records to be removed.

    The options are as follows:
    – This Arrest has been Sealed or Expunged 
    – These charges were dropped or not adjudicated guilty 
    – Other 
    – Remove my date of birth and address

  5. Attach required documents

    You will have to upload supporting documentation according to the opt-out reason you choose.

    These documents include: 
    – Copy of order
    – Proof of identity
    – Proof of disposition 
    – Verification

    The additional information and documents you upload will only be used for the opt-out process and deleted afterward.

  6. Submit the mugshot removal request 

    Once you have attached all the necessary files, click “submit opt-out.”


  • Proof of identity, Supporting documentation based on data removal reason (Proof of disposition, Copy of Order, Verification)

7. Don’t stop here!

Arrests.org is just one of around 4,000 data brokers that collect and sell or trade data. If you want to take your personal information off the market, you’ll have to opt out of many other sites like this one.

You can look through our opt-out guides below to remove your personal information from some of the biggest data brokers in the data trade business.

Alternatively, if you want to skip the hassle and save time, opt out from the biggest data broker websites automatically with Incogni.

Alternative Arrests.org opt-out method

If you do not meet the criteria to opt out using the Arrest.org opt-out form, you can send an email directly to: info@arrests.org.

Make sure to include:

  • Screenshots of your listing
  • Full name and aliases
  • Date of birth
  • Current and former addresses 
  • Current and former phone numbers
  • A copy of some photo ID such as a driver’s license or state identification card (you can block out your photo and ID number for security reasons)
  • Reason for data removal

Arrests.org might still not remove your data, but you can improve your chances if you are polite, provide all the necessary documentation, and/or contact them through a lawyer or official representative.

You can also use a data removal service like Incogni to represent you. We handle all the correspondence with data brokers and work with data privacy advocacy groups to handle rejected claims.

Take your data off PSS and hundreds* of data brokers with Incogni

Your data is worth more than oil in the digital age and data brokers are making bank at your expense.

Subscribe to Incogni for just $6.99 per month and get: 

  • A fully automated data removal service
  • Recurring removal from 210+ data brokers
  • Regular progress reports

Use DataRemovalFeb at checkout to get an additional 10% discount.

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

Arrests.org opt-out video guide


What is Arrests.org?

Arrests.org is a mugshot publishing website with satellite local sites for 39 US states. Arrests.org captures, collects, and posts mugshots by scraping public records like police records, arrest records, court records, and booking information.

They create profiles that include details such as:
– Mugshots
– Full names
– Date of birth
– Height
– Weight
– Addresses
– Arrest records
– Charges
– Prior arrests

While mugshot websites like Arrests.org claim that they provide a public service by collecting and publishing criminal records, they can be very harmful to the individuals whose personal information they display. It can damage their online reputation and even affect their ability to get housing or jobs.

Often these mugshots can be easily pulled up by almost anyone using search engines like Google or Bing, even if the records have been sealed or expunged. Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to remove your mugshot from these sites.

How long does it take to submit an Arrests.org opt-out request?

It should only take you around 5 – 15 minutes to submit an Arrests.org mugshot removal request. The exact time depends on the opt-out reason you choose and whether you use their opt-out form or direct email.

How long will it take Arrests.org to delete my arrest record?

Once you have submitted an opt-out request, it may take Arrests.org anywhere from 5 to 30 days to actually delete your data.

Will Arrests.org delete all of my data?

Arrests.org will not necessarily delete all of your data. They may remove only certain details such as your address or date of birth.

Do I need to give Arrests.org any additional documents to remove my data?

Yes, Arrests.org requires you to submit various supporting documentation depending on the reason for your data removal request. These documents may include photo ID, proof of disposition, copy of order, or verification.

How does Arrests.org get mugshots?

Arrests.org gets mugshot photos and other information from actual police records and other public records.

Can Arrests.org add my criminal arrest records again after they delete them?

Yes, Arrests.org can get a hold of your mugshots and personal information even after you complete an opt-out request. If and how soon this happens will depend on how often they scrape public and police records to update their databases.
You can keep your data off People Search Sites like Arrests.org with a subscription to Incogni.

Is Arrests.org legal?

Yes, Arrests.org, like most other mugshot websites, is legal. They have the right to collect your police records and mugshots in any US state with open record laws.

What states does Arrests.org operate in?

Arrests.org collects mugshot photos and police records from all states with open records laws. They currently cover 39 states. However, not all counties are included in every state.

The mugshots and criminal records from the following states are currently available on Arrests.org:
– Alabama 
– Arkansas 
– Arizona 
– California
– Colorado
– Florida 
– Georgia
– Idaho 
– Illinois 
– Indiana
– Iowa
– Kentucky 
– Kansas
– Louisiana 
– Maine 
– Maryland 
– Michigan
– Minnesota 
– Missouri 
– Mississippi 
– Montana 
– Nebraska
– Nevada 
– New Hampshire 
– New Jersey 
– New Mexico
– North Carolina 
– Oklahoma 
– Ohio 
– Oregon 
– Pennsylvania 
– South Carolina 
– Tennessee 
– Texas 
– Utah
– Virginia 
– West Virginia 
– Wisconsin 
– Wyoming

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