411 Locate Opt Out & Remove Your Info

411 Locate doesn’t make opting out particularly difficult, but it doesn’t exactly go out of its way to make it easy, either.

Instead of clicking on an opt-out button on your listing, you have to use a contact form to send them the URL of your listing and then type out some of the information it contains. Unnecessary extra steps? We think so.

Even if 411locate.com complies with your opt-out request, there’s no guarantee that your data won’t reappear at some point in the near future. This is par for the course with data brokers in general.

To keep your private data from reappearing on these sites, we recommend checking back regularly and submitting new opt-out requests as soon as it does. With 4,000 data brokers operating worldwide and hundreds in the States alone, this can quickly become a full-time job.

To get your data off other websites like 411locate.com and keep it off, use an automatic data removal service like Incogni. With Incogni, you can rest easy knowing that dozens of opt-out requests are sent and monitored on your behalf, 24/7.

Opt-out process: 10 – 15 minutes

Removal Requirements: Email

Updated: May 18, 2023

How to opt out of 411 Locate and remove your info

In short:

  1. Access the 411 Locate website at https://www.411locate.com/.
  2. Find your listing by first name, phone number, or email.
  3. Copy the URL of your listing from the browser address bar.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click the “contact us” button.
  5. Send the opt-out request by using the template.

Keep reading for the full opt-out procedure with screenshots.

We’ve written around 85 data broker opt-out guides to make manual data removal easy. Check them out!

Remove your data the easy way

Stop wasting time opting out one by one. Remove your information from over 210+ data brokers with just a few clicks.

Use code DataRemovalFeb at checkout to get an extra 10% off!

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

featured image for opt out from 411locate

Step-by-step 411 Locate opt-out guide

Total Time: 10 minutes

  1. Access the 411 Locate website at https://www.411locate.com/

  2. Find your listing by first name

    Opt out of 411 Locate step 2a

    Search for your listing by entering your first name, middle initial, city, and state under the “people search” tab and click “search.”

  3. Alternatively, find your listing by phone number

    Opt out of 411 Locate step 2b

    Click on “reverse phone” and enter your phone number, including the area code. Then click “search.”

  4. Alternatively, find your listing by email

    Opt out of 411 Locate step 2c

    Click on “reverse email,” enter your email address, and click “search.”

  5. Copy the URL of your listing from the browser address bar

    Opt out of 411 Locate step 3

    Open your listing and copy the URL from the address bar. You’ll need this URL to complete the site’s removal process.

  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click the “Contact Us” button

    Opt out of 411 Locate step 4

    Click the “contact us” button near the very bottom of the 411locate.com page.

  7. Send the opt-out request by using this template

    Check the box next to “I’m not a robot”.

    Enter the email address that appears in your listing in the “your email” field. Make sure you have access to that inbox.

    In the “your message” field, state that you’d like to have your records removed from the 411 Locate databases and provide the following information, exactly as it appears in the listing:
    – Name
    – Address
    – Phone number
    – Email address

    The URL of your listing that you copied in Step 4.

    You can use the template below to help you. Simply enter the details from your listing.

    Please remove from your databases any records you have associated with my listing and opt me out of all future data collection.
    Phone number:
    Email address:
    Listing URL:

    TIP: Don’t give them any information they don’t already have. If you don’t have access to the email that appears in your listing, include a masked email address in the “your email” field.

  8. If you see a CAPTCHA error, opt out via email or mail

    Send an email to admin@411locate.com or a letter to:
    1221 E Pike Street
    Seattle, WA 98122

    In either case, the removal process is the same. Include the same details as before:
    – Your full name as it appears in your listing
    – Your address as it appears in your listing
    – Your email address and phone number as they appear in your listing
    – The URL of your listing

8. Get your personal information off other sites like this one

Your listing is gone from 411 Locate—job done, right? Not yet. Type your name into a popular search engine and you’ll find loads more of your data sitting there for anyone to see. And these publicly available records are only part of the story.

You should also look for data brokers that operate in your area. They might sell personal information to third-party websites, so searching for yourself online won’t necessarily reveal what they’ve got on you.

Among the best privacy practices is opting out of all these data brokers and then periodically resending removal requests, in case they generate new profiles later.

Here are some opt out guides to get started opting out manually:

Too much work? It is if you do it manually. But don’t give up on protecting your privacy—it’s far too important. Use our automated data removal service to turn hundreds of hours of work into a single, set-and-forget subscription.

TIP: Don’t give them any information they don’t already have. If you don’t have access to the email that appears in your listing, include a masked email address in the “your email” field.

Alternative 411locate.com removal methods

Your only alternative to the contact form is attempting to contact 411 Locate directly.

Send an email to admin@411locate.com or a letter to:


1221 E Pike Street

Seattle, WA 98122

In either case, the removal process is the same. Include the same details as before:

  • Your full name as it appears in your listing
  • Your address as it appears in your listing
  • Your email address and phone number as they appear in your listing
  • The URL of your listing

Take your data off PSS and hundreds* of data brokers with Incogni

Your data is worth more than oil in the digital age and data brokers are making bank at your expense.

Subscribe to Incogni for just $6.99 per month and get: 

  • A fully automated data removal service
  • Recurring removal from 210+ data brokers
  • Regular progress reports

Use DataRemovalFeb at checkout to get an additional 10% discount.

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

What is 411 Locate?

411locate.com, not to be confused with the Whitepages website 411.com, is a people search and reverse lookup data broker site that operates exclusively in the US. It takes data from 6,000+ sources and pieces together profiles on over 95% of all adults in the country.

Users of the basic people search and reverse lookup functions can easily find your details if they just know your name or any of your email addresses or phone numbers. This service is free of charge and available to absolutely everyone.

411 Locate also offers premium access through paid accounts. This means that anyone who’s willing to pay a small fee can receive—anonymously, 411 Locate promises—a full report on you.

A full report from 411 Locate includes your:

  • Neighbors
  • Property records
  • Judgments & liens
  • Marriage records and divorces
  • Birth records
  • Misdemeanors
  • Criminal records
  • Sex offender status

Data brokers like 411locate.com are a gold mine for everyone from insurance companies to that weird colleague that comes on way too strong. Users could use your data to unfairly discriminate against you or phish, hack, scam or stalk you. They could also steal your identity.

You’re exposed to these dangers as long as your data is out there, conveniently collected in a searchable database. To stay safe, we recommend you remove your personal data from every data broker that has it.


How long will 411 Locate take to process my opt-out request?

Locate 411 doesn’t guarantee removal within a given period, but it shouldn’t take more than 72 hours. If your listing is still there after 3 days, clear your browser cache and try again. If that doesn’t work, contact 411locate.com at admin@411locate.com or use their contact form.

How long does it take to opt out of 411 Locate?

It should only take you around 10 – 15 minutes to opt out of 411locate.com. 

Is it safe to opt out of 411 Locate?

Yes, as long as you don’t provide personal information they didn’t already have and use a privacy-focused browser that blocks third-party cookies by default.

Can 411 Locate collect my information again after I make them delete it?

Yes, it is possible that 411locate.com will publish your personal information again after you opt out.

Data brokers like 411locate.com scour public records and other sources to collect data and build profiles on people. If certain information used to identify you changes or appears in a different form, then the data broker might not be able to link your new profile with the one that was used to opt you out.

You can automate the process of checking back with data brokers like 411locate.com with a subscription to Incogni. We remove your data from hundreds of companies that trade in personal information and make sure it stays removed.

How does 411 Locate collect personal information?

411locate.com claims to scrape much of its information from public data sources. It doesn’t specify where it gets the rest of your information, but data brokers like 411locate.com typically also get information from other brokers as well as online tracking technologies, like cookies and scripts.

Is 411 Locate legal?

Yes, 411locate.com is legal and shows up in a standard business search. It has to comply with data privacy laws like the CCPA. If your area is covered by such laws, you have the right to make 411locate.com and other sites like it delete your personal data. 

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