Florida Residents Directory Opt Out & Data Removal Guide

If you live (or have lived) in Florida, odds are pretty high that the Florida Residents Directory has your personal information. And anyone can view it for free. 

Thankfully, you can have your data removed within 48 hours by following our opt-out guide. All you have to do is find your record and request to opt out, a roughly 10-minute process that includes 5 simple steps. 

Keep in mind, however, that opting out from the Florida Residents Directory doesn’t mean your data won’t appear on similar people search sites. We recommend you find all the data brokers that collect your info and complete the data removal process for each one. 

You may also use Incogni’s automatic data removal service to opt out from the Florida Residents Directory. We’ll also help you find more data brokers that have your personal information and sends opt-out requests on your behalf.

Opt-out process:  5 – 10 minutes

Removal Requirements: Email

Updated: September 09, 2022

How to Opt Out of Florida Residents Directory and remove your info

In short:

  1. Search for your record on FloridaResidentsDirectory.com.
  2. Select the right listing and click “view details.”
  3. Copy the URL from the browser address bar.
  4. Submit your opt-out request at https://www.floridaresidentsdirectory.com/opt-out.
  5. Enter your name, a valid email address, and the reason you wish to remove your record. Solve the CAPTCHA and submit your request.

Keep reading for the full opt-out procedure with screenshots.

We’ve written around 85 data broker opt-out guides to make manual data removal easy. Check them out!

Remove your data from Florida Residents Directory the easy way

Stop wasting time opting out one by one. Remove your information from over 210+ data brokers with just a few clicks.

Use code DataRemovalFeb at checkout to get an extra 10% off!

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

florida residents opt out

Step-by-step Florida Residents Directory opt-out guide

Total Time: 5 minutes

  1. Search for your record on FloridaResidentsDirectory.com

    Opt out of Florida Resident Directory step 1

    Go to FloridaResidentsDirectory.com, and enter your full name, city, and state. Then click “search records.”

  2. Select the right listing and click “view details.”

    Opt out of Florida Resident Directory step 2

    Find your record from the list of search results and click “view details.”

  3. Copy the URL from the browser address bar

    Opt out of Florida Resident Directory step 3

    Once you open your record, copy the URL from the address bar.

  4. Submit your opt-out request at https://www.floridaresidentsdirectory.com/opt-out

    Opt out of Florida Resident Directory step 4

    Navigate over to the Florida Residents Directory opt-out page. Paste the URL of your record into the URL field and click “submit.”

  5. Enter your name, a valid email address, and the reason you wish to remove your record. Solve the CAPTCHA and submit

    Opt out of Florida Resident Directory step 5

    Enter your name, a valid email address, and the reason you wish to remove your record. You can write “I want to keep my data private.” Then check the box to confirm you are the owner of the record, complete the CAPTCHA challenge, and click “submit.”

    TIP: We recommend you use a masked email to protect your privacy. 

6. Continue your data removal journey

Congratulations on getting your personal information off the Florida Residents Directory! This is just one, state-specific people search site, however. There are hundreds of other data brokers in the US alone. 

If you want to keep your personal information private, we recommend you opt out from each website that sells or publishes your data. Simply look up your name and data brokers operating in your area to find both indexed and unindexed listings. 

Check out our other free opt out guides or start from these:

You can also use a data removal service like Incogni to skip all the hassle. We automatically remove personal information from dozens of major data brokers at a time.

Take your data off Florida Residents Directory and hundreds* of data brokers with Incogni

Your data is worth more than oil in the digital age and data brokers are making bank at your expense.

Subscribe to Incogni for just $6.99 per month and get: 

  • A fully automated data removal service
  • Recurring removal from 210+ data brokers (including Florida Residents Directory)
  • Regular progress reports

Use DataRemovalFeb at checkout to get an additional 10% discount.

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

Florida Residents Directory opt-out video guide


What is the Florida Residents Directory?

FloridaResidentsDirectory.com is a free people search site that publishes personal profiles of Florida residents. Visitors can look up an individual by entering their name, city, and state. The Florida Residents Directory also provides address, email, and phone number lookup services. 

The website stores 13,679,287 Florida residents’ records and 162,360,007 historical records. The data includes:
– Full names 
– Dates of birth
– Race and ethnicity
– Telephone numbers
– Voting profiles

The Florida Residents Directory is not Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliant, meaning the website can’t be used for consumer reporting purposes such as tenant and job screenings. 

But with the unrestricted access websites like this one provide, almost anyone can use your data for just about anything. That includes criminal activities such as phishing, scams, identity theft, and even online harassment and stalking.

How long does it take the Florida Residents Directory to process my opt-out request?

The Florida Residents Directory should remove your data within 48 hours of receiving your opt-out request. It may take longer in some cases. 

How long is the Florida Residents Directory opt-out process?

It should take you around 5 – 10 minutes to complete the Florida Residents Directory opt-out process. 

How can I remove multiple records from the Florida Residents Directory?

In some cases, there may be multiple records containing your personal information. You’ll have to complete the data removal process for each one individually, however, the site requires you to wait 24 hours between each request. 

Where does the Florida Residents Directory get its data?

The Florida Residents Directory collects data from Florida public voter registration records. In some cases, the information may not be correct. You can contact the Florida Department of State (DOS) to amend these errors. 

Can the Florida Residents Directory add my information again, even after they approve my opt-out request?

It’s possible that your personal information may show up on the Florida Residents Directory again after you opt out. The site updates its database monthly and new data might not be an exact match to the old record you had removed. 

This is a common problem with data brokers, which is why Incogni provides regular, repeated data removals. 

Does the Florida Residents Directory have the right to use my data?

Yes, the Florida Residents Directory is legal and has the right to use public data under the Florida Information Protection Act of 2014 (FIPA). Under the same law, you have the right to request the website delete your personal information. 

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