People Search Now Opt-Out & Remove Your Info

People Search Now is a data broker website that specializes in publishing searchable profiles on everyday Americans. Anyone can look you up on and find your age, partial address, partial current and past phone numbers, and much more.

All these redacted records don’t seem like much, but not only are they far from harmless, clicking on them takes the user to other data brokers. There, for a small fee, they can view full background reports on you, with everything from your criminal records to your full contact details.

Getting your personal information off People Search Now shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes, if you follow our guide. We also have guides to get your data off those other sites.

Subscribe to our automated data removal service to turn a huge hassle and never-ending chore into a simple, one-time privacy upgrade.

Opt-out process:  5 – 10 minutes

Removal Requirements: Email

Updated: October 27, 2022

How to opt out:

  1. Navigate to the opt-out page at
  2. Agree to the terms and conditions, enter your email address, complete the CAPTCHA challenge, and click on “opt out my info.”
  3. Type your full name, city, and state and click the search button.
  4. Find your listing in the search results.
  5. Once in your listing, click on “remove record.”
  6. Open your mailbox.
  7. Check your inbox and spam folders for an email from PeopleSearchNow.
  8. Click on the confirmation link to confirm your opt-out request.

Keep reading for the full opt-out procedure with screenshots.

We’ve written around 85 data broker opt-out guides to make manual data removal easy. Check them out!

Feature image: People Search Now

Step-by-step People Search Now opt-out guide

Total Time: 5 minutes

  1. Navigate to the opt-out page at

    Opt out of PeopleSearchNow step 1-1

    Navigate to the opt-out page at

  2. Agree to the terms and conditions, enter your email address, complete the CAPTCHA challenge, and click on “opt out my info.”

    Opt out of PeopleSearchNow step 1-2

    TIP: Use a throwaway email account or masked email address to stop data brokers from learning your real email address. If you don’t have one yet, we reviewed disposable email services in this article.

  3. Type your full name, city, and state and click the search button.

    Opt out of PeopleSearchNow step 2-1

    Type your full name (including your middle initial if it’s very common), city, and state and click the search button.

  4. Find your listing in the search results

    Opt out of PeopleSearchNow step 2-2

    Find your listing in the search results and click on “view all info” to the right of your name.

    TIP: Ignore the advertising links at the bottom of the search results. Anything with a “details” button in place of “view all info” is an ad.

  5. Once in your listing, click on “remove record”

    Opt out of PeopleSearchNow step 3-1

    Once in your listing, click on “remove record” to submit your opt-out request.

  6. Open your mailbox

    Opt out of PeopleSearchNow step 3-2

    A confirmation link will be sent to the email address you provided earlier.

  7. Check your inbox and spam folders for an email from PeopleSearchNow

    Opt out of PeopleSearchNow step 4-1

    Check your inbox and spam folders for an email from PeopleSearchNow.

  8. Click on the confirmation link to confirm your opt-out request

    Opt out of PeopleSearchNow step 4-2

    Click on the confirmation link to confirm your opt-out request.


  • Email

9. Continue your data removal journey

And with that, you’re done! Well, almost. Your record should be removed from PeopleSearchNow within 72 hours, but it turns out that’s the least of your worries.

You probably noticed a ton of ads trying to blend in with the People Search Now search results. This site might be free, but it’s not designed to satisfy the curiosity of someone looking to pry into your business. Instead, it acts like a sales funnel for other people search and data broker sites. You’ll likely find your search results lousy with links to data brokers like TruthFinder, PeopleFinders, and BeenVerified.

These sites sell personal information they get on you from public records and other sources, often at a nominal price (with trial memberships from as little as $1). As dangerous as these sites are, they’re not even the whole story.

There’s a whole world of shadowy data brokers out there, with databases containing millions of records and billions of data points, each. There are hundreds of these companies in the US alone, and figuring out which of them have your personal information isn’t easy.

To continue your opt-out journey, check out our opt-out guides or start from these:

We recommend outsourcing the hassle and huge time investment involved in getting your data out of these companies’ hands to an automated data removal service.

Watch the video opt-out guide

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