BackgroundCheck.Run Opt Out & Removal Your Info

It shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to opt out of BackgroundCheck.Run. The steps as described in this guide will help do so as quickly and safely as possible.

Opt-out process:  5–10 minutes

Removal Requirements: Email

Updated: October 21, 2022

How to opt out of BackgroundCheck.Run for free

In short:

  1. Search for your listing on
  2. Find and open your listing.
  3. Click “control this profile” to start the opt-out process.
  4. Fill in your data, solve the CAPTCHA, and submit your opt-out request.
  5. Copy your tracking ID for future reference.
  6. Verify your opt-out request.

Keep reading for the full opt-out procedure with screenshots.

We’ve written around 85 data broker opt-out guides to make manual data removal easy. Check them out!

Remove your data the easy way

Stop wasting time opting out one by one. Remove your information from over 210+ data brokers with just a few clicks.

Use code DataRemovalFeb at checkout to get an extra 10% off!

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

Keep reading for the full opt out procedure with screenshots.

Feature image: Background Check Run

Step-by-step BackgroundCheck.Run opt-out guide

Total Time: 5 minutes

  1. Search for your listing on

    Opt out of Background Check Run step 1

    Go to Enter your first and last name, city, and state. Click “search.”

  2. Find and open your listing

    Opt out of Background Check Run step 2

    Find your listing in the search results and click on it to open it.

  3. Click “Control this profile” to start the opt-out process

    Opt out of Background Check Run step 3

    Click on “control this profile” to the right of your personal details.

  4. Fill in your data, solve the CAPTCHA, and submit your opt-out request

    Opt out of Background Check Run step 4-1

    Make sure your profile URL has been autofilled. Copy and paste the URL from the address bar if it hasn’t.

    Type in your full name exactly as it appears in your profile. Enter your email address, complete the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA, and click on “submit opt out request.”

    TIP: Use a throwaway email account or masked email address to protect your personal information. If you don’t have one yet, we reviewed disposable email services in this article.

  5. Copy your tracking ID for future reference

    Opt out of Background Check Run step 4-2

    While generates the verification email, copy your tracking ID for future reference.

  6. Verify your opt-out request

    Opt out of Background Check Run step 5

    Check your inbox for an email from Open it and click on the verification link it contains to confirm your information control request.

7. Continue your data removal journey

That’s all there is to it! Your data should be removed from within 48 hours of when you clicked that verification link.

The public records that allowed this data broker to create an online profile on you will still be out there, though. There’s no shortage of other companies that collect and sell this kind of data—there are an estimated 4,000 of these data brokers worldwide.

There are hundreds of them in the States alone, and the ones that show up when you type your name into search engines are just the tip of the iceberg. Most prefer to stay in the shadows and even just finding them is a real challenge.

Check out our other free opt out guides or start from these:

If this sounds like too much work, Incogni can handle all the legwork for you. We use a unique algorithm to narrow down the list of likely suspects and then sends out dozens of data removal requests at a time. The process is fully automated and set up to periodically restart each opt-out procedure, so your data stays off these websites for as long as you like.

Watch the video guide

Take your data off PSS and hundreds* of data brokers with Incogni

Your data is worth more than oil in the digital age and data brokers are making bank at your expense.

Subscribe to Incogni for just $6.99 per month and get: 

  • A fully automated data removal service
  • Recurring removal from 210+ data brokers
  • Regular progress reports

Use DataRemovalFeb at checkout to get an additional 10% discount.

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.


What is is a data broker that specializes in people search and background check services.

Are the background checks offered on this website compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

A free search on reveals a ton of your personal data. Your name and aliases, current and past addresses and phone numbers, relatives, work history, licenses, and social media profiles are just the beginning of what’s available. A paid account will reveal even more personal information, including your property records, civil records, and criminal records. Anything that’s ever been a part of the public record is fair game.
The background checks offered on this website are not compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), so they shouldn’t be used for employment, credit or housing decisions, but there’s nothing physically stopping that from happening.

Related: How to deal with incorrect information on background check reports

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