North Carolina Resident Database Opt Out & Data Removal Guide

North Carolina Resident Database is a website that publishes the personal information of North Carolina residents online. Though not affiliated with the state government, these profiles are considered public information. They include information such as court records, government records, criminal records, arrest records, address, and date of birth.

Thankfully, opting out is fairly easy. If you follow the instructions below, it should only take up to 10 minutes. It isn’t a permanent solution, though. Your record may respawn over time, so you should repeat the process periodically.

Incogni conducts regular, repeated removals automatically, keeping our users’ data off websites like North Carolina Resident Database for as long as they like.

Opt-out process:  5 – 10 minutes

Removal Requirements: Email

Updated: October 27, 2022

How to opt out of North Carolina Resident Database?

In short, do the following to opt out:

  1. Start the search on
  2. Find your record and click “view details.”
  3. Copy the URL from the browser address bar.
  4. Paste the URL, solve the CAPTCHA, and click “submit.”
  5. Submit the opt-out request.

Keep reading for the full opt-out procedure with screenshots.

We’ve written around 85 data broker opt-out guides to make manual data removal easy. Check them out!

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* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

Feature image: North Carolina Resident Database

Step-by-step North Carolina Resident Database opt-out guide

Total Time: 5 minutes

  1. Start the search on

    Opt out of North Carolina Resident Database step 1

    Go to, enter your full name and city, and click “search records.”

  2. Find your record and click “VIEW DETAILS”

    Find your listing among the search results and click on the name. If you click “view details” it will redirect you to an affiliated website.

  3. Copy the URL from the browser address bar

    Opt out of North Carolina Resident Database step 3

    Copy the URL from the address bar. You will need it in the next step.

  4. Paste the URL, solve the CAPTCHA, and click submit

    Go to the opt-out page. Paste the URL, complete the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA challenge, and click “submit.”

  5. Submit the opt-out request

    Opt out of North Carolina Resident Database step 5

    Enter your name, email address, and reason for opting out. You can simply write “I want to keep my data private.” Then tick the box confirming your identity and click “submit.”

6. Continue your data removal journey

And with that, your data should be removed from North Carolina Resident Database within 24 – 48 hours. However, if you don’t want strangers to have access to your personal information, there are other websites you should opt out from as well.

You’ll want to start with Persopo, an affiliated data broker that North Carolina Resident Database links to. Besides that, there are hundreds of other data brokers that collect and sell or publish your personal information. You can narrow down which ones are likely to have your data based on your location. You’ll also see some in search results if you look up your name.

Keep in mind that data privacy is an ongoing process. Most data brokers will list your record again after some time. For this reason, we recommend you revisit the websites and complete the opt-out procedures as needed.

Check out our other free opt out guides or start from these:

If this sounds like too much work, Incogni can handle all the legwork for you. We send out dozens of opt-out requests at a time and regularly monitor these sites to ensure your data doesn’t respawn over time.

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  • A fully automated data removal service
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* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

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