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Truecaller Opt Out & Unlist Your Number

Truecaller is one of the most popular reverse phone number lookup sites out there, with more than 320 million active users. 

While the site can be handy for blocking spam callers and identifying cold callers, it’s a good idea to unlist and avoid using the service. Not only does Truecaller list individuals’ phone numbers without their knowledge, it also collects users’ International Mobile Subscription Identity, exposing them to unnecessary privacy risks

Thankfully, it’s super easy to unlist your phone number from Truecaller. All it takes is clicking 2 buttons and waiting 24 hours. 

However, your phone number, along with other background information such as your home address, financial information, relatives, and more might still be available on dozens, if not hundreds, of other data broker databases. 

We recommend you opt out from all of them to keep your personal information private and secure.

Opt-out process:  5 minutes

Removal Requirements: Phone number

Updated: September 30, 2022

How to opt out of Truecaller and unlist your number?

In short:

  • Access the unlisting page on TrueCaller.com: https://www.truecaller.com/unlisting.
  • Enter your phone number, solve the CAPTCHA, and click “unlist.”
  • Confirm your unlisting request.

Keep reading for the full opt-out procedure with screenshots.

We’ve written around 85 data broker opt-out guides to make manual data removal easy. Check them out!

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* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

Feature image: Truecaller Opt Out

Step-by-step Truecaller opt-out guide

Total Time: 5 minutes

  1. Access the unlisting page on TrueCaller.com: https://www.truecaller.com/unlisting

    Opt out of Truecaller step 1

    Go to the Truecaller unlisting page

  2. Enter your phone number, solve the CAPTCHA, and click “Unlist”

    Opt out of Truecaller step 2

    Enter your phone number, tick the box, and complete the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA challenge if prompted. Then click “unlist.”

  3. Confirm your unlisting request

    Opt out of Truecaller step 3

    A popup will appear to confirm your unlisting request. Click “unlist” again to complete the opt-out process. 

4. Continue your data removal journey

Opt out of Truecaller step 4

That’s all it takes to opt out and unlist your phone number from Truecaller.com. Your number should be removed within 24 hours. If you’re concerned about your online privacy, however, there are around 4,000 data brokers like Truecaller that collect personal information. 

To find which of these companies collect and sell or publish your data, you’ll need to do a little research. Look yourself up on any popular search engine to see what comes up there first. More likely than not, many people search site results will show up. To find data brokers that don’t index their records, you should also research data brokers that operate in your area. 

Once you’ve found the websites that have your personal information, you can start going through the opt-out process for each one. Refer to our free opt-out guides to help you do this quickly and easily. 

Check out our other free opt out guides or start from these:

If this sounds like too much work, Incogni can handle all the legwork for you. We send out dozens of opt-out requests at a time and regularly monitor these sites to ensure your data doesn’t respawn over time.

Take your data off PSS and hundreds* of data brokers with Incogni

Your data is worth more than oil in the digital age and data brokers are making bank at your expense.

Subscribe to Incogni for just $6.99 per month and get: 

  • A fully automated data removal service
  • Recurring removal from 210+ data brokers
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Use DataRemovalFeb at checkout to get an additional 10% discount.

* See the full list of data brokers Incogni covers here.

TrueCaller opt out video guide

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